All Stretton Storm of 26th September (Photographs and Videos)
At about 16:00 after a pleasant sunny morning, torrential rain fell on the local area of All Stretton. The storm was accompanied by a very strong wind which was described as a Tornado, this didn’t pass but remained static above the village area. The epicentre of the storm was in the Plush Hill area. In just over an hour it had passed.
World War One Survivors
We have added some biographies of Villagers that fought in World War One and survived and returned to the village.
Robert John Grainger Sankey
We have updated the biography of Robert Sankey who was killed on 11th July, 1944 during World War Two. To read his biography click on the above.
House Histories- All Stretton Hall
We have added an update to the All Stretton Hall history – click above to go direct.

Preen Family History Study Group
A link has been added in the County section for the website “Preen Family History Study Group” which covers the Preen Family from Cardington, Bridgnorth and Kings Stanley.
A biography for all four deceased WW2 soldiers from the village (excluding a photograph for Robert Sankey) have been added to the section Research (House Histories)>World War 2
There is also a list of all people who served in the Military Services during WW2 from the Village.
The history of a number of houses have been added including the four Council built houses, Hillside, Novers Cottage, Novers Lodge, Rowley Cottage and Rowley.
All Stretton Trade Directories
Trade Directories are viewed through the Menu option ‘Village Records’, a full extract from Bagshaws Directory of 1851 has been added.
In the Research Section we have documented the history of the Football Club with a list of Honours. Included are a number of photographs of team line-ups.
In the Research Section we have added the option World War Two, here there are a list of All Stretton people killed in the Second World War with biographies and a list of all the people with active service.
What happened to Queen Mary’s Oak ?
With the Coronation of King Charles III taking place on May 8th 2023 we looked back at some previous celebrations in the village. The villagers of All Stretton celebrated the Coronations of 1911 and 1902 with the following celebrations as described in the Local Newspapers at the time, but in 1911 an Oak tree was planted in the village.
To celebrate the coronation of King George V and Queen Mary in June 1911 an oak tree was planted in All Stretton Valley (we assume Batch Valley) by Mrs Hanbury Sparrow.
If you have any information about the 112 year old Oak tree – Please Contact Us
George V Coronation 1911

On the 22nd of June 1911 George V was crowned at Westminster Abbey. The people of Church and All Stretton celebrated with a procession commencing in Church Stretton which was reported to be made up of “very gay personages and many vehicles of considerable length”. Hundreds of people watched the procession led by a huge Union Jack move toward All Stretton. The procession was made up of the Band of Shropshire Yeomanry, followed by Boy Scots, Territorials, Odd Fellows and Foresters and school children. Many of the children were dressed in humorous costumes such as Police, Robin Hood, Clowns, Dairymaids etc. Ladies decorated their cycles and go- carts with characters such as a boy in an aeroplane or an Indian Princess on an elephant. On reaching All Stretton the procession made its way through a triumphal arch and advanced into the valley.
Edward VII Coronation 1902

The Inhabitants of Church Stretton and district entered heartily into the celebrations held in honour of the Coronation of the King and Queen. A Procession from Church Stretton to All Stretton took place and included; The town band, fire brigade, school children, decorated cars and bicycles, some trades of the villages were represented in the form of blacksmiths and employees of Stretton Waters. The locals dressed in humorous character costumes and a capital programme of sports took place including racing, high jump, potato sack, putting the shot, long jump, tug of war, egg and spoon, donkey race; prizes were awarded in all categories. Refreshments were provided by Mrs McLintock at the Grove in All Stretton. Later children were presented with Coronation mugs and at night the town was illuminated, a free dance in the Town hall was held which was crowded and the day’s celebrations ended with a torch-light procession and proved a delightful spectacle.
A telegram of congratulations was sent to the King upon his recovery and coronation and the Sunday morning service included special prayers for the King and the rector preached an appropriate sermon.
History Talk a Great Success
Over 50 people attended the interesting History talk on Friday 21st April in the Village Hall, given by Viviana Caroli an Archaeologist from the National Trust.
The talk was entitled “The Historic Landscape of the Long Mynd and its surroundings”.
Lookout for future talks!